The last day of 2017, I’ve made up my mind to leave Mediacorp.2017年的最后一天,也是我在新传媒的最后一天。我决定离开这个大家庭了。This is where my dreams begin. Being like a baby from the start, not knowing anything except to cry and laugh, from climbing to standing, from walking to knowing how to run now. In this growing up journey, I would like to sincerely thank my company for providing me every chances, teachings and encouragements. 这里是我梦开始的地方。一开始像婴儿一样什么都不会,哭,笑,闹,到爬,站,走,到现在会跑了。这成长的过程里,感谢公司给的每一个机会,教导和鼓励。Now that I have grown up, there is the will to venture into the outside world, to leave behind a comfortable and safety zone, just to bring out a different me. Thank you Mediacorp for giving me the most beautiful childhood. 如今成长了,想往外闯了。决心离开舒适的安全区,只是想活出不一样的自己。谢谢公司给了我最美丽的童年,Tonight's countdown party going to be a great celebrations for my Adulthood, after tomorrow, I am going to be an Adult in the entertainment industry, I must take full responsibility for my decisions I make and things I say. 今晚的倒数派对要好好的庆祝成人礼,明天之后就是娱乐圈里的大人。要为自己做的决定,说的话负全责。我会加油的,请支持我!❤️I will do my best! Please give me your fullest support!#thankyoumediacorp#thankyouTCA The Celebrity Agency
Sora Ma 马艺瑄さんの投稿 2017年12月30日(土)