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将狗吊起撞墙 男子疑虐狗 遭网民起底告发

男子疑虐狗被拍下。 (取自面子书)


新加坡《8视界新闻》报导,网民“Apollo Chan” 前日(11日)在面子书上载了一名居民拍摄的视频,从画面可见,一名男子在住宅区楼下遛狗,却疑似突然拉紧狗绳,将狗儿吊起挂在肩膀上,接着将狗儿撞向墙壁。


Apollo Chan接着与其他六名友人开始“人肉搜索”,最后找到了涉嫌的男子,也知道他的住处,并已经向农粮局报案。

在此要先感谢拍这视频的人🙏🏻,今天我要让大家看一个视频,这是发生在我们的国家。生为一个愛狗人士,就算你的毛孩做错了什么,也不因该这样对待一只那么小的毛孩吧?我还听拍这视频的人说,不只发生一次了,这人还把小毛孩拉起來撞上墙。但你们可以放心,我们昨晚上用了4-5个小时找这个人出来,终于让我们找到这个人的地址。在这4-5个小时的过程中,我们一直听见有小狗的惨叫声。我们也联咯了AVA,在此要感谢AVA的人员,他们把这件事情看为高等案件。他们会马上下去处理这件事情😊🙏🏻再多一次感谢AVA的人员。最后我要说的是,如果你们以后遇到这样的事情,先不要冲动,先拍下视频,然后找出这个人住的地址,再马上打电话给AVA,因为只有AVA可以处理这些事情,我们的国家是个文明的社会,不可以让这种事情发生在我们的国土,我们的政府也不会让的事情发生在我们的国土。谢谢大家🙏🏻如果可以的话请分享,谢谢🙏🏻 Hi, friends. I'd like to share a video with you today. It captured clearly something that happened right here in our Home, Singapore.As a dog lover, no matter what your furkid did wrongly or how they disappoint you, you shouldn't abuse them, right? This video was captured by a resident, and he had witnessed the occurence of this abuse multiple times. Not only did the owner of this poor poodle hit it, he also lifted the poodle up by the leash and swung him hard to the wall. Outrageous, isn't it?But friends, since this incident was brought up to me, I've taken the liberty to find out more about the abuse. Yesterday, I spent 4-5hrs searching for this wretched owner and I finally found his address. In these 4-5hrs, I kept hearing the poor dog's whines and cries. It was utterly painful to bear, to say the least. And I had to do something about it. I've contacted AVA and would like to take this chance to thank AVA for expediting this case due to the urgency of rescuing this poor furkid. They have noted the importance of taking the furkid away from the owner and they already acting on it.Once again, I'd like to reiterate the importance of being calm when dealing with animal abusers. If you ever witness any abuse, please remain calm and composed. Do not be rash; just film it down from a distance and find out the exact address if you can. Then, call AVA and make a report, because AVA is an authorized arm to deal with such animal abuse. Lastly, animals are voiceless. It is completely inhumane to make use of this "weakness" of theirs and subject them to abuse. If you do not love them, at least do not hurt them. 最新消息Update Thank After several hours of talking with the owner, AVA has finally taken the dog away. The dog is now safe with AVA & they will be bringing it back for investigations. It is not known yet if the owner will be charged or jailed, but it should be either one. It is also not known if the dog will be returned to the owner, but we trust AVA will make the right decision & not let the dog suffer again. Please wait for further updates & more videos for a clearer picture of what happened.

Posted by Apollo Chan on Isnin, 11 Mac 2019



Apollo Chan则认为,任何人遇到此类事件,不要冲动上前较为恰当,应该拍下视频、掌握虐待动物者的住处,然后立刻通知农粮与兽医局,让当局处理案件。

据Apollo Chan所说,当局已经将狗儿救出。








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